Innovation means adapting to changing conditions and using new methods with regards to social, cultural and management matters. Innovation needs to be considered as more than just developing a new product; it needs to be seen as a process. It should be included in your business processes as an approach, and value creation should be the focus while doing so. Innovation may include a new business model, supplier development method, a different approach to publicity, special marketing solutions, customer relationship management models, a project or a system regarding employees.
Brand is a dynamic thing. You need to keep pace with this dynamism, rethink, rediscover and re-evaluate all processes while you manage your brand. New ideas and practices will add value to your brand; an innovation mentality integrated with your corporate and brand identity will contribute to your sustainable difference. Innovation does not begin and end at one point; there is continuity at its core. The opportunities that information technologies offer change our life styles, our habits and naturally also our expectations. The segmentations that we know of with regards to the concept of target audience, the marketing instruments, customer expectations, design mentality, channels of publicity change and develop every day. We have completely new mediums, channels, occupations, concepts and processes in our lives now. Can we ignore the reality of big data, the prevalence of “emoji”s, or the drones that hover around us? Is it possible to talk about sustainable processes without developing smart marketing solutions in an era when paradigms are broken, and many products and services face the threat of becoming obsolete and take their place in the museum of marketing history? (11) Being aware of this change, keeping up with it is only possible through renewing yourself and innovating. Envisioning changes and developments, and determining your strategies accordingly is a prerequisite for “sustainable differentiation”.